Returns Policy

If you would like a refund or exchange, you are required to return the goods to us within 14 working days.

All items being returned for refund or exchange must reach us in a re-saleable condition which includes:

  • The item is in brand new condition. The item has not been washed, used or smells of cologne. All tags and relevant packaging are intact.
  • The items are your responsibility until they reach us. We recommend that you send the parcel through a signed-for delivery service that insures you for the value of the products for your own protection.

Delivery & return postage charges are non-refundable unless you have received a faulty or incorrect item. Please note that if an order is returned to us via the courier then the original postage cost is non-refundable.

If you are returning an item(s) to exchange to a difference size, then no extra postage charge will be charged.


We typically take 3-5 business days for pack & ship your full order. During promotional or holiday weeks, your order will ship within 5 business days.

The tracking number will be sent out via email.

If you want to double-check on your order status, send us a note at

If you would like a refund or exchange, you are required to return the goods to us within 14 working days.

All items being returned for refund or exchange must reach us in a re-saleable condition which includes:

1. The item is in brand new condition. The item has not been washed, used or smells of cologne. All tags and relevant packaging are intact.

2. The items are your responsibility until they reach us. We recommend that you send the parcel through a signed-for delivery service that insures you for the value of the products for your own protection.

Delivery & return postage charges are non-refundable unless you have received a faulty or incorrect item. Please note that if an order is returned to us via the courier then the original postage cost is non-refundable.

If you are returning an item(s) to exchange to a difference size, then no extra postage charge will be charged.

Standard: 10-20 business days

Express: 10-15 business days

Shipping times are based on our best estimate. However, delays can occur in transit or due to holds at your local custom office, so it may take longer for an order to be delivered.

To double check ETA and shipping speeds to your location, reach out to our team.

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